PizzaTown's Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 1st March 2021

Here at PizzaTown, we care a lot about your privacy. It's very important to us, so we strive to use as little data as possible.

PizzaTown stores the following pieces of data, and will only use these pieces of data for the functionality of the bot:

- Discord User ID: For our database so it's easier to find your account as well as to make the code as simple as possible.

- Server (also known as Guild) IDs: This piece of data is only collected when you use PizzaTown in an server where you have not used the bot before. This is for local leaderboards so we can ask from Discord for as little data as possible.

This page will be updated with futher information if PizzaTown (and by extension Rocky43007) uses any extra data.

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Polciy, please contact us via email: [email protected]